VL/HCC will be bestowing the following awards for 2019.
The award winners will be announced at the VL/HCC 2019 banquet.
Best Paper Award
Winner: Software Developers Learning Machine Learning: Motivations, Hurdles, and Desires by Carrie Cai and Philip Guo
Honorable Mention: Editable AI: Mixed Human-AI Authoring of Code Patterns by Kartik Chugh, Andrea Y. Solis and Thomas D. LaToza
Best Short Paper Award
Winner: Studying the Benefits and Challenges of Immersive Dataflow Programming by Lei Zhang and Steve Oney
Honorable Mention: Effects of Code Representation on Student Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Programming by Jeremiah Blanchard, Christina Gardner-McCune and Lisa Anthony
Best Showpiece Award
Winner: Puzzle Solving as Debugging by Yana Malysheva and Caitlin Kelleher
Outstanding Reviewer Award
Winner: Franklyn Turbak
Most Influential Paper Award
Winner: Automatically Inferring ClassSheet Models from Spreadsheets (VL/HCC 2010) by Jácome Cunha, Martin Erwig, and João Saraiva