Skills Assignment SA2: Webpage Basics

Required Demos-n-Deets demos:

Optional demos (for now): Everything else in the “Webpage Basics” section of the Demos-n-Deets.

Active Reading

Follow the general instructions for active reading for the above required demos.

What to submit:

Important! All screenshots must include your computer’s desktop in the background so that it is recognizable as your desktop. Also, all screenshots of web pages must display the entire URL of the page in the browser’s location bar. (Watch out, as some browsers like to hide parts of the URL unless you click on it.)

Practice Test

Before proceeding, be sure to read the general description and instructions for the practice tests.

Start with the base project on the main branch of this repo:

Task to perform:

Add two pages as follows:

What to submit:

Important! All screenshots must include your computer’s desktop in the background so that it is recognizable as your desktop. Also, all screenshots of web pages must display the entire URL of the page in the browser’s location bar. (Watch out, as some browsers like to hide parts of the URL unless you click on it.)

Explanation Video

Before proceeding, be sure to read the general instructions for the explanation videos.

Start with the base project on the main branch of this repo:

The video can begin after you have cloned, initialized, and run the base app.

Task to perform:

Add two pages as follows:

Note: You will probably want to plan out these pages before you begin recording, and be careful not to make them to long. You may copy/paste text for the movie data and the review from the web (e.g., Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB) to help speed things along.

Important! Be sure to run and test the things you build in your video (e.g., as per the “Test It!” demo steps).