Model Design Diagram

In creating the database design for your team’s web app, you will create a UML class diagram that depicts your model classes and their structure.

We recommend that you use GenMyModel to create your diagram; however, it is not required. There are several other well-established UML-diagramming apps, and if your team prefers, you may use one of them instead.

Regardless of the app you choose, you must submit a UML class diagram of your model in a widely supported image format (e.g., SVG, PNG, or JPG). You must use proper class diagram notation (as given in lecture). You must label all associations and include all multiplicities. You must include attribute types (e.g., “name : string”).

Important! The diagram must be a UML class diagram. For example, entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) are NOT acceptable.

Grading Rubric

Scored out of 20 possible points.

Half of the points (up to 10) will be awarded based upon the percentage of diagram elements that are free from the following defects:

The other half of points (up to 10) will be awarded based on the grader’s assessment of how complete the design is. For example, if the grader finds that only a couple attributes were omitted, a small deduction (e.g., -1) might be taken; however, if the grader finds that a larger number of classes and attributes were omitted, a larger deduction (e.g., -4) might be taken.