Final-Product Evaluation
At the end of the project, the team’s final product will be evaluated based on both the quantity of functionality produced (taking into consideration the size of the team) as well as the quality of the functionality (taking into account qualities such as bugginess and usability).
Grading Rubric
Scored out of 20 possible points.
Half of the points (up to 10) will be awarded based upon the grader’s assessment of the quantity of functionality produced by the team, taking into account the number of team members. Points will be awarded based on the following scale:
- 10 pts - Excellent quantity of functionality, exceeds expectations
- 9 pts - Good quantity of functionality, solidly meets expectations
- 8 pts - Borderline quantity of functionality, barely meets expectations
- 7 pts - Fair quantity of functionality, less progress than expected, but not by a lot
- 0–6 pts - Poor quantity of functionality, significantly less progress than expected, points given depend on the grader’s assessment of the deficiency
The other half of points (up to 10) will be awarded based on the grader’s assessment of the quality of the functionality produced by the team. This assessment will take into account qualities such as bugginess, ease-of-use, ease-of-learning, and look-and-feel. Points will be awarded based on the following scale:
- 10 pts - Excellent quality of functionality, exceeds expectations
- 9 pts - Good quality of functionality, solidly meets expectations
- 8 pts - Borderline quality of functionality, barely meets expectations
- 7 pts - Fair quality of functionality, lower quality than expected, but not by a lot
- 0–6 pts - Poor quality of functionality, significantly lower quality than expected, points given depend on the grader’s assessment of the deficiency