Skills Assignment 7: Authentication

Required Demos-n-Deets demos:

Optional demos (for now): Everything else in the “Authentication” section of the Demos-n-Deets.

Active Reading

Follow the general instructions for active reading for the above required demos.

What to submit:

In the above screenshots, code which is too long to be captured in one screenshot may be split up into multiple screenshots.

Important! All screenshots must include your computer’s desktop in the background so that it is recognizable as your desktop. Also, all screenshots of web pages must display the entire URL of the page in the browser’s location bar. (Watch out, as some browsers like to hide parts of the URL unless you click on it.)

Practice Test

Before proceeding, be sure to read the general description and instructions for the practice tests.

Start with the base project on the freebay branch of this repo:

The aim of this project is enable users to post listings for free stuff that they want to give away. The project already includes a Listing model class, as per this class diagram:

Class diagram of Listing class

Along with this model class, the app includes the standard resource-CRUDing pages and UI features for Listing model objects. It also includes model validations and database seeds. (You can ignore the test fixtures and model tests for this assignment.) It is recommended that you initialize and run the base app at this point, so you can see firsthand what’s there.

Task to perform:

Class diagram of Listing and User classes

What to submit:

In the above screenshots, code which is too long to be captured in one screenshot may be split up into multiple screenshots.

Important! All screenshots must include your computer’s desktop in the background so that it is recognizable as your desktop. Also, all screenshots of web pages must display the entire URL of the page in the browser’s location bar. (Watch out, as some browsers like to hide parts of the URL unless you click on it.)

Explanation Video

Before proceeding, be sure to read the general instructions for the explanation videos.

Start with the base project on the blogr branch of this repo:

This project contains the start of a blogging app. It already includes a BlogPost model class, as per this class diagram:

Class diagram of BlogPost class

Along with this model class, the app includes the standard resource-CRUDing pages and UI features for BlogPost model objects. It also includes model validations and database seeds. (You can ignore the test fixtures and model tests for this assignment.) It is recommended that you initialize and run the base app at this point, so you can see firsthand what’s there.

The video can begin after you have cloned, initialized, and run the base app.

This time, you will actually be making two video, because the tasks are longer than usual. Although it may not be your first thought, making a mistake during a video that causes you to have to restart and redo tasks is actually great practice, and thus, is great for skills acquisition. That said, doing this piece as two videos could potentially save you from having to aaaaaall the way back to the beginning if you make a mistake near the end.

Video 1

Task to perform:

Time limit: 30 minutes

Video 2

Task to perform:

Class diagram of BlogPost and User classes

Time limit: 30 minutes