Skills Assignment SA6-EV: Authentication Explanation Video

Getting Started

  1. Access the GitHub organization’s repositories page.
    • In your web browser, log into GitHub.
    • Navigate to the repositories page of the memphis-comp-7012-2024-08fall GitHub organization.
  2. Create a new repository from the template.
    • Click the New repository button at the top-right of the page.
    • Fill out the Create a new repository form as follows:
      • Repository template: Select template-sa6-ev.
      • Owner: Select memphis-comp-7012-2024-08fall.
      • Repository name: Use the form below to generate the name for your repository.
        • It is required that your repository’s name precisely follow the format produced by the form.
      • Select Private, so that only you and your instructors can access your repository.
    • Once you have filled out all the fields, click the Create repository button at the bottom right of the page.
  3. Clone the repository and set up your local environment.
    • In your terminal, clone the newly created repository into your workspace folder.
    • Set up local repository by following steps similar to those in the Running Apps demo.



This project contains the start of a blogging app. It already includes a BlogPost model class, as per this class diagram:

Class diagram of BlogPost class

Along with this model class, the app includes the standard resource-CRUDing pages and UI features for BlogPost model objects. It also includes model validations and database seeds. (You can ignore the test fixtures and model tests for this assignment.) It is recommended that you initialize and run the base app at this point, so you can see firsthand what’s there.

For this EV activity, we will break from the prior ones by not presenting detailed feature specs; instead, we list the tasks you are to perform.

Task to perform:

Class diagram of BlogPost and User classes

No RSpec Testing This Time

This EV activity will also break from the prior ones in that no RSpec tests will be provided this time.

How to Submit Your Work

Once you’ve completed the task and confirmed that all tests pass:

  1. Commit your changes:
    • Add all your changes:

      git add -A
    • Commit your work with a meaningful message:

      git commit -m "Completed SA6 Explanation Video"
  2. Push your changes to GitHub:
    • Push your commits to the remote repository:

      git push
  3. Submit to Canvas:
    • In Canvas, submit:
      • The link to your GitHub repository where your code is hosted.
      • The link(s) to your video(s) if you are using Teams to record. (If you are not using Teams, then upload the video file(s).)
    • You may submit the links in a single document.