User Stories
Your team must gather all the functional requirements for your app and specify them as user stories.
See the User Stories, Scenarios, and Storyboards - M0 Activity for instructions regarding how your team’s user stories must be written.
Grading Rubric
- High-Pass:
- 90% of stories satisfy all the quality criteria.
- Set of stories is deemed complete (no noticeable omissions).
- Low-Pass:
- 70% of stories satisfy all the quality criteria.
- Minor completeness deficiency (up to 4 key stories omitted).
- Fail: Fails to meet requirements for Low-Pass.
Quality Criteria
- Correct. Valid and not redundant.
- Readable. Clear and understandable.
- Template Compliant. Follows the required templates:
- Title template - VERB NOUN.
- Description template - As a WHO, I want WHAT, so that WHY.
- Functional Only. Specifies only functional requirements (not non-functional requirements).
- Customer Oriented. Uses only language the customer would understand and does not contain technical jargon.
- Design Free. Free from inadvertent design or implementation decisions (e.g., does not mention UI widgets).
- Short. Captures only one feature (not a group of related features).
Quantity Criteria
Your team’s set of user stories must cover all of the following features:
- Customer-Facing Features. These are standard shopping-app features used customers:
- Browsing item listings
- Search/sort/filter item listings
- Manage cart
- Check out and complete purchase
- Review purchase history
- Vendor-Facing Features. These are standard shopping-app features used by employees:
- Manage item listings
- Manage item inventory
- Niche-Specific Features. These are the non-trivial niche-specific features that the team proposed in the project concept.