User Scenarios and Storyboards
For each user story your team specifies, your team must design the user interfaces and interactions that will implement that user story. Your team must document this interaction design with a user scenario and storyboard for each user story.
See the User Stories, Scenarios, and Storyboards - M0 Activity for instructions regarding how your team’s user scenarios and storyboards must be written.
Grading Rubric
Quality Criteria: Looking over the set of scenarios and storyboards written, the instructor will assess how well they satisfy the following quality criteria:
- For each user story, there is a scenario or storyboard, and the scenario fully covers the feature described in the user story.
- Valid and clear (e.g., nothing confusing or that does not make sense).
- Outcome of interaction depicted (i.e., what the user sees at the end of the interaction with the app).
- Include page URLs that are not overly long or complex. Also, no non-standard Devise URLs.
- Storyboard pages have no major data or clickable elements missing.
- Consistent designs across all scenarios and storyboards (e.g., no storyboards that represent the same pages inconsistently).
To assess the overall quality of your team’s set of scenarios and storyboards, the percentage of them that satisfy all of the above criteria will be calculated.
Grade Requirements. Minimum requirements to earn each grade:
- High-Pass: - 90% of scenarios and storyboards satisfy all the quality criteria.
- Low-Pass: - 70% of scenarios and storyboards satisfy all the quality criteria.
- Fail: - Fails to meet requirements for Low-Pass.