M2 Pull Request Plans and Outcomes


Prior to the start of the Milestone M2 development iteration, the team must work together to create for each team member a set of pull request plans. The pull request plans specify the coding work that each team member is expected to complete and submit as a GitHub pull request during the M2 iteration. The pull request plans must be documented in the team’s m2_pull_requests.docx document prior to the start of the M2 iteration.

Scenario-Implementation Work. The M2 pull request plan for each team member must comprise a set of user scenarios from the team’s stories_scenarios_storyboards.docx document to implement by the end of the M2 iteration. To successfully implement a scenario, all the features required to enact the scenario in the app must be fully completed. It is assumed that error-handling will also be completed although not explicitly depicted in the scenario.

List of Planned Code Changes. For each pull request planned for each team member, the team member must document a list of the anticipated code changes required to complete the pull request:

Pull-Request Outcomes: By the end of the M2 iteration, the outcome of each pull request must be reported in the m2_pull_requests.docx document.

Pull Request Plan and Outcome Formatting. In your team’s m2_pull_requests.docx document, the pull request plans must be specified and formatted as follows:

An example pull request plan in the required format with its various parts annotated.

To clarify what is expected, here are example pull request plans (no outcomes), and here are those same example plans with outcomes added.

Grading Rubric

Grade Requirements. Minimum requirements to earn each grade: