M2 Teammate Reviews


After the Milestone M2 submission is completed, each team member must provide a teammate review of each other team member’s performance during the iteration. An online form for performing these teammate evaluations will be shared to students near the end of the iteration.

What the Various Ratings Mean: On the teammate review form, you will have to rate each of your teammates (as well as yourself) based on a multiple-choice, scale from Terrible to Excellent. The precise meaning of each option may not be obvious, so here are detailed definitions for each to help you in making the right selection.

Productivity and Contribution Ratings for Milestone M2:

Rating Meaning
Terrible Teammate contributed nothing (or almost nothing) to the project for Milestone M2.
Poor Teammate contributed something for Milestone M2, but it was clearly below expectations in terms of quantity and/or quality.
Acceptable Teammate contributed the bare minimum for Milestone M2. They were generally responsible in completing their tasks, but they are definitely not impressing anyone with their work.
Good Teammate did a very nice job in completing their tasks for Milestone M2. You are pleased with their contributions.
Excellent Teammate clearly went above and beyond what was expected in a significant way for Milestone M2.

Communication and Professionalism Ratings for Milestone M2:

Rating Meaning
Terrible This rating indicates extremely bad communication and professionalism for Milestone M2. A teammate with this score may have engaged in little or no communication, missing all or almost all meetings. Alternatively, they may have displayed highly offensive and counterproductive behaviors in how they treat fellow teammates.
Poor This rating points to serious issues with communication and professionalism for Milestone M2. A teammate with this score may be engaging in some communication, but it is really an inadequate amount. They may be frequently late to meetings, or not participate well during them. They may display inappropriate or disrespectful behaviors in how they treat fellow teammates.
Acceptable Teammate displays the bare minimum for acceptable communication and professionalism for Milestone M2. They have occasional lapses—for example, being late for meetings and/or disengaged from the team—but is doing just enough right to prevent it from being a problem.
Good Teammate did a very nice job with communication and professionalism for Milestone M2. You are pleased with how well they communicated and how professionally they behaved.
Excellent Teammate clearly went above and beyond when it comes to communication and professionalism for Milestone M2.

How to Provide a High-Quality Review. Here are some key criteria to keep in mind when providing your reviews:

How the Reviews Will be Used. Here are some key ways that the reviews will (and will not) be used:

Grading Rubric

Teammate reviews are graded based on the reviews you submit for other teammates, not based on the reviews you receive from teammates.

Caution! Failure to provide a convincing justification (as required above) in a review will result in 0 points for that review.

Caution! There is a common problem with students giving all their teammates scores of Excellent without providing convincing justifications for the scores. These students generally receive 0 points on their reviews.

Grade Requirements. Minimum requirements to earn each grade: