Project Concept


Each team will develop a Rails-based online shopping app for a very, very specialized selection of products. Each app will have a combination of typical shopping-app features and niche-specific features.

denoting products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.

The niche-specific features must be highly original and will give your team’s app its special “personality”.

Shopping App Must-Haves. There are certain things that your team’s app must have:

Your team’s shopping-app features should not be limited to just the above things, but it must include all of the above.

Defining Your App’s Niche. In order for your team to move forward with their project, the instructor must accept your team’s project concept.

The project concept must provide satisfactory answers to the following questions.

What is your app’s niche?

Your app’s niche must be very specific and specialized.

✘ Examples of bad niche ideas, because they are too general:

✔ Examples of good niche ideas, because they are very specific and specialized:

When choosing your niche, try to select one that at least one member of your team knows very well.

What niche-specific features will your app have?

Providing features that are specific to your app’s niche is essential for giving your app its distinctive personality.

Your team’s answer to this question must include the following:

When choosing features, try to “get inside the heads” of your niche audience. What are they like? What do they value most? What would make them happiest?

Important! No two teams may have any of the same (or very similar) niches or niche-specific features.

✔ Example of a Good Project Concept:


Noodle-themed t-shirts

Niche-Specific Features:

(I have only included one non-trivial niche-specific feature above, but your team must have two or more for your app.)

Grading Rubric

Instructor approval of the concept is required for a passing grade, else the concept is failed.