Required Demos-n-Deets demos:
Optional demos (for now): Everything else in the “Project Setup” section of the Demos-n-Deets.
Follow the general instructions for active reading for the above required demos.
What to submit:
file after step 7.2 including your name and email.ssh -T
command and output in your terminal after step 8.2.Important! All screenshots must include your computer’s desktop in the background so that it is recognizable as your desktop. Also, all screenshots of web pages must display the entire URL of the page in the browser’s location bar. (Watch out, as some browsers like to hide parts of the URL unless you click on it.)
There will be no practice test for this skills assignment.
Before proceeding, be sure to read the general instructions for the explanation videos.
Important! You do not need to make a task plan for this assignment.
Task to perform:
branch of this repository: this is the first explanation video you’ll be doing, I’ve provided this demonstration of how I expect it to be done: