Project Task Plans and Outcomes

Task Plans

At the start of each development iteration, your team must create task plans for each team member to complete during iteration.

The task plans must be entered into the mX-task-plans document (where X is the number of the milestone the plans are for).

Each team member must add task plans to the document such that:

For each task plan in the document, the following fields must be filled:

Here are some additional criteria for the task plans:

Task Outcomes

Once you have successfully merged a pull request that completes a task, you must report the outcome of the task.

The task outcomes must be reported in the mX-task-outcomes document (where X is the number of the milestone the tasks were completed for).

For each task outcome in the document, the following fields must be filled:

Note that if you did not complete a planned task, the task should still be mentioned in the outcomes document (with a Task Outcome of Not Started).

Grading Rubric

Scored out of 20 possible points.

Plans Rubric

Half of the points (up to 10) will be for the task plans.

Outcomes Rubric

The other half of points (up to 10) will be for the task outcomes.