As a first step toward acquiring the skills covered in the Demos-n-Deets demos, you must read the demos; however, you will not learn much by simply reading them in a passive manner. Instead, you should digest the demos in a more active manner. Thus, the active reading assignments are designed to help ensure that you get the most out of your first reading of the demos.
For each active reading assignment, follow these key instructions:
Perform the steps. As you read through each assigned demo, you must perform the steps of the demo on your machine. This often involves starting by downloading a base app and making the changes described in the demo to that app.
Think deeply about each step. Resist the urge to do mindless copying and pasting of code, because it will undermine your engagement with the material, and thus, decrease the learning benefits. Instead, try to think deeply about each step, so you are clear on the rationale for the step and how it works.
Each active reading assignment will have specific instructions regarding what to submit (generally to a eCourseware dropbox) and when it is due. Make sure to complete your work on time, lest you receive a deduction.