External Links Hyperlinking to an External Website

In this demonstration, I will show how to create a hyperlink that links to a webpage that is external to the web app (i.e., a webpage that is not part of the app).

General Steps

In general, the steps for adding a hyperlink that links to an existing webpage within a web app are as follows.

To demonstrate the steps for adding a hyperlink that links to a webpage that is external to the web app, we will be adding to the home page of the Billy Books bookstore base app a hyperlink to the Goatlandia.org website, as illustrated in Figure 1.

A web page that has a link to an external webpage on it.

Figure 1. The Billy Books home page with a hyperlink to the Goatlandia.org website.

Base App Code

Step 1 Find the External Webpage’s URL

To find the URL of the external webpage, we open the Goatlandia.org website in our web browser, and we click on the location bar of the web browser to expand the full URL, as illustrated in Figure 2.

A screenshot of a web browser with the Goatlandia.org home page displayed, including the webpage's URL in the location bar.

Figure 2. The Goatlandia.org home page with the page’s full URL in the location bar.

To update the home page with a hyperlink to the external webpage, as shown in Figure 1, we add HTML and embedded Ruby to the home page’s view template, app/views/pages/home.html.erb, like this:

<h1>Welcome to Billy Books!</h1>

  Come visit us at 7107 Juniper Road Fairbend, TN, 37062!

  Store Hours:

  <li>Monday: 10am - 7pm</li>
  <li>Tuesday: 10am - 7pm</li>
  <li>Wednesday: 10am - 7pm</li>
  <li>Thursday: closed</li>
  <li>Friday: 10am - 7pm</li>
  <li>Saturday: 12pm - 6pm</li>
  <li>Sunday: closed</li>

  10% of our profit goes to the
  <%= link_to 'Goatlandia Farm Animal Sanctuary',
    target: '_blank'

The link_to method is a view helper that returns a string containing the HTML code for a hyperlink (specifically, an <a> element). Because the call to link_to is embedded within a <%= … %> tag (note the =), the HTML string returned by the call will be inserted directly into the webpage. The link_to call takes three arguments. The first argument is the hyperlink text that will appear on the webpage. The second argument is the URL of the external webpage that is the destination of the hyperlink. The third argument, target: '_blank', adds a target="_blank" attribute to generated <a> element, which makes it so that clicking the link opens the external webpage in a new browser tab.

Test It!

To test that this step was completed correctly, we run the web app (as per the steps in the running apps demo), and we open the URL http://localhost:3000/home in our web browser. The webpage displayed should look exactly like Figure 1. Clicking on the hyperlink should open the Goatlandia.org home page in a new browser tab.

Step 2 Changeset


Following the above steps, we have now added to the home page of the Billy Books bookstore app a link to the Goatlandia.org website.

Demo App Code