Adding Hyperlinks between Pages

In this demonstration, I will show how to add hyperlinks between pages. We will continue to build upon the QuizMe project from the previous demos.

Instead of using the anchor (<a>) HTML tags for links, Rails provides the link_to helper to add links. Remember, Ruby code in the views must be enclosed in a <% %> or a <%= %> tag.

We will first add a link to the external website,, to the Welcome page, as depicted in Figure 1.

The Welcome page, including a hyperlink to an external website

Figure 1. The QuizMe Welcome page with an external hyperlink to the Quizlet website.

Using the link_to helper, add a hyperlink on the word “Quizlet” to the Quizlet homepage by editing the QuizMe app description in welcome.html.erb as follows:

  QuizMe is a free <%= link_to "Quizlet", "", target: "_blank" %> style quizzing application that helps you learn by taking quizzes and trying to improve your scores.

The link_to helper takes as arguments the text you want to display, the link destination, and any additional HTML attributes you want to add.

Confirm that the hyperlink works by refreshing the Welcome page in the browser.

Code changeset for this part

Next, we will add hyperlinks between the Welcome and About pages within the web app, as depicted in Figure 2 and Figure 3, so users aren’t forced to manually enter the URL every time they want to switch pages.

The Welcome page, including a hyperlink to an internal page

Figure 2. The QuizMe Welcome page with an internal hyperlink to the About page.

The Welcome page, including a hyperlink to an internal page

Figure 3. The QuizMe About page with an internal hyperlink to the Welcome page.

Add the links by using the named route helpers (recall the as route arguments) in combination with the link_to helper as follows.

Add a link to the About page at the bottom of the Welcome page by adding this code to welcome.html.erb:

<p><%= link_to "About", about_path %></p>

Add a link to the Welcome page at the bottom of the About page by adding this code to about.html.erb:

<p><%= link_to 'Welcome', welcome_path %></p>

Reload the Welcome page and confirm the links on both pages work correctly.

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