Forms That Handle One-to-Many Associations

In this demonstration, I will show how incorporate an association into the basic Rails resource pages and actions (i.e., index, show, new/create, edit/update, and destroy). We will continue to build upon the QuizMe project from the previous demos.

Recall from Figure 1 that our association now specifies that McQuestion objects belong to a particular parent Quiz object.

A UML class diagram depicting the one-to-many association between the Quiz and McQuestion model classes

Figure 1. Model class design diagram showing the one-to-many association between Quiz and McQuestion. As per the association, each Quiz object has many McQuestion objects, and each McQuestion object belongs to one Quiz object.

As a consequence, several changes to our Rails resource pages and actions are necessitated. These changes will involve the following main tasks:

  1. Update the show page for Quiz to display associated McQuestion objects, as depicted in Figure 2.
  2. Generate a QuizMcQuestionsController to use for actions on McQuestion records that require the ID of the parent Quiz to be included in their routes.
  3. Move the index controller actions for McQuestion records into the new QuizMcQuestionsController class with a new route that includes the Quiz ID in the URI.
  4. Move the new and create controller actions for McQuestion records into the new QuizMcQuestionsController class with new routes that include the Quiz ID in their URIs.
  5. Update the existing update and destroy controller actions for McQuestion records so that they redirect to the parent Quiz objectโ€™s show page.
Screenshot of a web browser

Figure 2. Updated show page for Quiz records that now has a โ€œQuestionsโ€ subsection that displays the associated McQuestion objects.

1. Displaying Associated McQuestion Records on the show Page for Quiz Records

On the show page for a Quiz object, display the questions associated with that quiz by adding HTML.ERB code to the show.html.erb, like this:


<% quiz.mc_questions.each do |question| %>
  <div id="<%= dom_id(question) %>">
      <%= question.question %>
      <%= link_to '๐Ÿ”Ž', mc_question_path(question) %>
      <%= link_to '๐Ÿ–‹', edit_mc_question_path(question) %>
      <%= link_to '๐Ÿ—‘', mc_question_path(question), method: :delete %>

      choices = [question.answer, question.distractor_1]
      choices << question.distractor_2 if !question.distractor_2.blank?
      choices.each do |c|
        <%= radio_button_tag "guess_#{}", c, checked = c == question.answer, disabled: true %>
        <%= label_tag "guess_#{}_#{c}", c %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

Confirm that this code works correctly by running the app, opening the index page for Quiz records, and navigating to the show page for each Quiz record. The show pages should now include a โ€œQuestionsโ€ subsection, as depicted in Figure 2.

Code changeset for this part

2. Generating a QuizMcQuestionsController Class

Create a new controller QuizMcQuestionsController using this command:

rails g controller QuizMcQuestions

We will use this controller class, QuizMcQuestionsController, to handle HTTP requests that primarily act upon McQuestion records, include a parent Quiz ID in the resource path.

Confirm that the file app/controllers/quiz_mc_questions_controller.rb was generated correctly.

Code changeset for this part

3. Moving the index Action from McQuestionsController to QuizMcQuestionsController

Replace the existing McQuestion route for index with a nested route, like this:

# get 'mc_questions', to: 'mc_questions#index', as: 'mc_questions' # index
get 'quizzes/:id/mc_questions', to: 'quiz_mc_questions#index', as: 'quiz_mc_questions' # nested index

Note that this route requires the parent Quiz ID in the resource path. The index route needs the parent ID, because it no longer makes sense to display all McQuestion objects, rather, we will group them by their parent Quiz object.

Comment out (or delete) the existing index action in McQuestionsController.

Add a new index action to QuizMcQuestionsController, like this:

def index
  quiz = Quiz.includes(:mc_questions).find(params[:id])
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { render :index, locals: { quiz: quiz, questions: quiz.mc_questions } }

The includes method helps minimize the number of database queries by specifying the associations that need to be loaded (see the N+1 Queries Problem).

Move the index.html.erb view file from app/views/mc_questions to app/views/quiz_mc_questions.

Confirm that these changes work correctly by running the app and opening the URL http://localhost:3000/quizzes/1/mc_questions for the first Quiz record and http://localhost:3000/quizzes/1/mc_questions for the second Quiz record.

Code changeset for this part

4. Moving new and create Actions from McQuestionsController to QuizMcQuestionsController

Replace the existing McQuestion routes for new, and create with nested routes, like this:

# get 'mc_questions/new', to: 'mc_questions#new', as: 'new_mc_question' # new
get 'quizzes/:id/mc_questions/new', to: 'quiz_mc_questions#new', as: 'new_quiz_mc_question' # nested new

# post 'mc_questions', to: 'mc_questions#create' # create
post 'quizzes/:id/mc_questions', to: 'quiz_mc_questions#create' # nested create

Note that these routes both require the parent Quiz ID in the resource path. The new and create routes need the parent Quiz ID, so the create controller action knows which Quiz object has the new McQuestion object.

Comment out (or delete) the existing new and create actions in McQuestionsController.

Add a new new action to QuizMcQuestionsController, like this:

def new
  quiz = Quiz.find(params[:id])
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { render :new, locals: { quiz: quiz, question: } }

The call to build allocates in memory a new empty McQuestion object that is associated with the quiz; however, the McQuestion object is not yet saved to the database (and thus, for example, has an id that is nil).

Move the new.html.erb view file from app/views/mc_questions to app/views/quiz_mc_questions.

In new.html.erb, change the url argument for form_with, like this:

<%= form_with model: question, url: quiz_mc_questions_path(quiz), method: :post, local: true, scope: :mc_question do |form| %>

Add a new create action to QuizMcQuestionsController, like this::

def create
  # find the quiz to which the new question will be added
  quiz = Quiz.find(params[:id])
  # allocate a new question associated with the quiz
  question =, :answer, :distractor_1, :distractor_2))
  # respond_to block
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html do
        # success message
        flash[:success] = "Question saved successfully"
        # redirect to index
        redirect_to quiz_mc_questions_url(quiz)
        # error message[:error] = "Error: Question could not be saved"
        # render new
        render :new, locals: { quiz: quiz, question: question }

Update the โ€œNew Questionโ€ link in quiz_mc_questions/index.html.erb and add a โ€œNew Questionโ€ link to quizzes/show.html.erb (as per Figure 1), like this:

<%= link_to 'New Question', new_quiz_mc_question_path(quiz) %>

Confirm that these changes work correctly by resetting the database, running the app, navigating the various show pages for Quiz records, and using the โ€œNew Questionโ€ link to add new McQuestion records.

Code changeset for this part

5. Updating the McQuestion update and destroy Actions to Use the Parent Quiz

Modify the update action in McQuestionsController such that, on a successful save, the browser is redirected to the show page of the parent Quiz object, like this:

def update
  # load existing object again from URL param
  question = McQuestion.find(params[:id])
  # respond_to block
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html do
      if question.update(params.require(:mc_question).permit(:question, :answer, :distractor_1, :distractor_2))
        # success message
        flash[:success] = 'Question updated successfully'
        # redirect to index
        redirect_to quiz_url(question.quiz)
        # error message[:error] = 'Error: Question could not be updated'
        # render edit
        render :edit, locals: { question: question }

Change the destroy action in McQuestionsController such that, after the record is deleted, the browser is redirected to the show page of the parent Quiz object, like this:

def destroy
  # load existing object again from URL param
  question = McQuestion.find(params[:id])
  # destroy object
  # respond_to block
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html do
      # success message
      flash[:success] = 'Question removed successfully'
      # redirect to index
      redirect_to quiz_url(question.quiz)

Confirm that these changes work correctly by resetting the database, running the app, navigating the various show pages for Quiz records, and using the โ€œ๐Ÿ–‹โ€ (edit) and โ€œ๐Ÿ—‘โ€ (delete) links to update and delete some McQuestion records for each Quiz.

Having successfully completed the above tasks, the QuizMe app now provides users with a full set of features for CRUDing quizzes and questions that properly handle the association links between quizzes and questions.

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