🎦 Watch: How to make a one-to-many association in GenMyModel.
Goal and Steps:
Create a class BlogPost to capture blog posts created by users.
string attribute title.
text attribute body.
Create a one-to-many association between User and BlogPost to capture users’ authorship of blog posts.
Each user authors zero or more blog posts.
Each blog post is authored by exactly one user.
has► association label.
* multiplicity with post label on BlogPost side.
1 multiplicity with author label on User side.
Step 1.4: Make a many-to-many association
🎦 Watch: How to make a many-to-many association in GenMyModel.
Goal and Steps:
Create a many-to-many association between User and BlogPost to capture users’ favorite blog posts.
Each user has zero or more favorite blog posts.
Each blog post is a favorite of zero or more users.
Favorite association class.
* multiplicity with user label on User side.
* multiplicity with post label on BlogPost side.
Step 1.5: Export diagram as an image
🎦 Watch: How to export a diagram as a PNG image in GenMyModel.
Step 2: Design the model for your app
Team Step: All team members should work together to complete this step.
🎦 Watch: Introduction to data modeling.
One Diagram per Team. For this part, a single GenMyModel diagram must be shared by the team.
Everyone Contributes. All team members should work together to develop the model design for the team’s app.
Noun-Phrase Identification. Document a list of all the noun phrases your team identifies to inspire your class diagram. Be prepared to submit this list along with your class diagram.
Follow Diagram Conventions. In creating your class diagrams, all of the diagram conventions mentioned above must be followed.
No ERDs! Only object-oriented class diagrams are acceptable—no entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) allowed!